On a beautiful July morning, Robert Wein and 4 friends were run down by a van while cycling.
This is a sample of the song, Nobody Knows, that was inspired by Rob's strength, courage and determination. The photos were taken during one of his training sessions.
The full version of "Nobody Knows" is available on iTunes. Search 22.50. All revenue generated by the sale of this song will be donated to Share the Road (www.sharetheroad.ca).
In Rob's words, "This is a song written, and recorded, by Laurie Sweig about the injury that I sustained when the car hit us. iTunes pays $0.74 back for $0.99 songs, and each and every dollar raised goes to help make the roads safer. Do you have kids? Would you donate $1 to an honest, and for-real, organization that will help make the roads safer for them on their bikes? Do you throw a loonie into the hat of a person asking for donations? I'm asking, though I am unable to walk to a location to sit with a hat to ask, and the action of sitting is an effort that I find challenging."