Feb 26, 2011


My first volunteer photo session today for Hopeful Hearts and I was able to meet Jazzy. The first thing I noticed were her big satellite dish ears....they are HUGE! But so is her heart and I immediately fell in love with her. My face still smells of her puppy love...she's a licker! This pooch is so lucky to have someone who sees her beautiful soul and is taking such good care of her. If you'd like to help with Jazzy's care, visit the Hopeful Hearts site to make a donation. I'm sure they would greatly appreciate any support you can give.

Feb 24, 2011

the look

When it's around 'that' time, this is the look I get. Are you going to walk me now? now? now? how about now?

Feb 22, 2011

Family Day.

It was not a good day for me yesterday...uber headache. So hard to be inside when it looked like such a gorgeous day.

Feb 21, 2011

the early morning walk

This was actually taken yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny morning but very frosty. A few people were skating on the canal, or jogging along side. Still, very pretty.

Feb 19, 2011

Sam update.

The power of good drugs. He's definitely walking better and keen to go for a walk but it's going to a week or so before that happens.

Feb 16, 2011

only one shot

I took about 15 shots of Nala and this is the only one that is not blurry. She just doesn't sit still!

Feb 15, 2011


He's still limping so no walks for him today. I can't stand seeing him like this....

Feb 5, 2011

Now this was a challenge. Throwing the ball with one hand and holding my camera with the 70-200 lens in the other.