Apr 30, 2013

If you like to read my blog.

Please send me your email address and I'll add you to a list of allowed readers. I'm going to make this blog private due to the recent situation and now I'm getting hate mail.

Please send me a message shirley(dot)bittner6(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll add you.

I'll wait until the end of the week to make this blog private.

Thank you and sorry for all of this.


Dogs in cars.

This dog was super keen to say hello. What a cutie pie. 


In my inbox this morning.... what is being said about me?

"you deserve Cancer and everything it involves....I hope you die"

This is a friend of someone who was not happy with me. You win. I'm very hurt right now.

"Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
-Dalai Lama

Apr 29, 2013

A dog I met along the way...

A small blip....

I'm back!! After a little blip in the process, I'm now back!! Thank you to all friends and bloggers for pushing me to keep the blog going. Love to you all!!

A few photos of my beautiful friend, Rachel. Thank you for these moments.

Apr 24, 2013

Ride the Rideau

Dan is participating in the Ride the Rideau event in support of cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital. He needs to raise $1500 as an individual participant. If you'd like to help support a great cause, here is a  link to his page to make a donation. Thank you!
Ride the Rideau

Apr 15, 2013

Apr 9, 2013


A dose of green grass (it's coming!! spring is coming!!) and a dose of puppy cuteness. Happy Tuesday.
And thank you Chris. Your message left me speechless. I'm much better at taking photos that writing. All I can say is 'thank you'. 

Apr 7, 2013


I can't believe it snowed last night. I think we all need some colour right now so here it is. 

Apr 1, 2013

The Making of Perogies

It's been great having Dan's Mom stay with us this past week. We weren't sure how I would be feeling so it was comforting knowing she was here and I think it was good for Dan to not have to worry during the day.

Hello April!